About Me

I am 42 years old, hap­pi­ly mar­ried to my wife of 10 years, Kenieshiear.  We have three chil­dren: “JR, who will hap­pi­ly tell every­body she meets “I’m 4 and a half!”, “E”, who is 3, and “I”, who is 18 months.

We live in a qui­et neigh­bor­hood in Cedar Park, Texas, where we attend church at Christ Church, live, eat, work, and play.  I am also a vol­un­teer at Hill Country Bible Church as a sound engineer.

Professionally, I am a soft­ware engi­neer with 20 years of expe­ri­ence, focus­ing on most­ly back-end archi­tec­ture and design.  I am a co-own­er of House of Czetty, along with my wife.  We are active­ly striv­ing to build a vibrant and suc­cess­ful business.

In my (admit­ted­ly infre­quent) spare time, I enjoy trips to the gym, read­ing (most­ly sci­ence fic­tion & fan­ta­sy), and teach­ing myself 3‑D mod­el­ling.  I hope to some­day write a nov­el of my own.  I have many plot lines run­ning through my head that I’d like to get down on paper eventually.