A week in Eureka Springs

[Follow our road trip here using the tag Road Trip 2019 ]

It was time to leave the AirBnB we were stay­ing at, but we weren’t sure where we should go next. So, we found a place just an hour or so away, just south of the Arkansas bor­der; a lit­tle town called Eureka Springs.

On the way in, we passed a steak­house that caught our inter­est. As soon as we found our new place and dropped off the dogs, we head­ed back out. I’m glad that we did, as it was a fan­tas­tic meal. (See Gaskin’s Cabin Steakhouse for more.) It was a bit tough to find in on the dark roads, but it was worth the search.

The next morn­ing, we drove into town. Eureka Springs is a beau­ti­ful lit­tle town, with lots of shops and places to eat and walk. It is not ter­ri­bly child-friend­ly, though. We did­n’t see many oth­er fam­i­lies with so many lit­tle ones (and a stroller) in tow. The side­walks are nar­row and there are ran­dom steps up or down. All the action is along a sin­gle street, and there are trol­leys that can help you get around, so we were able to over­come those obsta­cles with­out too much trouble.

We let the girls take turns with the snap­shot camera.

We ate a late break­fast at the Mud Street Annex, locat­ed on the main drag. Loved the ambiance and the food. It was sit­u­at­ed direct­ly over a creek, with a win­dow in the floor look­ing down into it. You could tell the tourists ver­sus the locals by who stooped down to look through that win­dow. (Of course, I had to take a look, and a picture!)

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