Attempting to share a room

Our girls JR and E, are super cute, obe­di­ent, and sweet — most of the time.  During the day, they are great, but when bed­time comes around, it is dif­fi­cult.  They both would rather run around and play than go to bed.  I’m sure that this is total­ly nor­mal, espe­cial­ly since they are so close in age, but it can be real­ly infu­ri­at­ing at times.  My wife and I real­ly cher­ish our adult time and if they stay up late, then we don’t get so much of it.

Right now, they are in sep­a­rate rooms, across the hall from each oth­er.  At bed­time, they tend to treat their two rooms as a sin­gle play area.  So, a few nights ago, we tried some­thing new: we let them have a “sleep­over.”

We used it as an incen­tive.  If they both made hap­py plates, and if they were obe­di­ent dur­ing bath time and while get­ting ready for bed, then we’d let them share a room for the night.  We even let them have a half hour of “con­ver­sa­tion time” before lights out.  At first, it seemed like it was going to work…

After 10 min­utes of con­ver­sa­tion time, though, they found games to play with each oth­er.  Tossing a stuffed ani­mal from bed to bed.  Jumping games.  Loud, crash­ing nois­es.  Ironically, I could­n’t hear most of this going on while I sat out­side their rooms upstairs, but it was clear from downstairs.

It was­n’t long before we had to put them into their sep­a­rate rooms again.  E was very upset.  JR was a bit more sto­ic.  I would like for them to even­tu­al­ly share a room (it will ease some over-crowd­ing sit­u­a­tions in our home), but I guess they aren’t ready.

Hopefully, updates will follow…

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