I can’t take credit for this title. I heard it during a Celebrate Recovery testimony and it got me thinking.
Lately, I have been struggling with the choices for my future. I am struggling with making the choice between riding out my current job, taking a new one, or jumping into my business without a net? Where am I supposed to be leading my family?
When I pray for guidance, I often don’t get an answer. I don’t know if I’m not listening, or if I’m not supposed to. Kenieshiear says that she knows it is time to quit my job, but I am nervous. She is getting more and more clear on her thoughts, but I’m still swimming in the deep end.
I ask myself, “what is my purpose here?” God isn’t answering me.
To get to the title: I am insecure in who I am. I know in my heart that God’s plan includes me, but the world has beaten me down. Is it so hard to realize that this world is just temporary?
Yesterday, God granted me some peace in my heart. I am thankful for that. I pray that the weight of the world isn’t hoisted on me again. God has given me the same feeling that I had when I was first saved. He is good.