When I am insecure in who I am, I am insecure in who God is”

I can’t take cred­it for this title.  I heard it dur­ing a Celebrate Recovery tes­ti­mo­ny and it got me thinking.

Lately, I have been strug­gling with the choic­es for my future.  I am strug­gling with mak­ing the choice between rid­ing out my cur­rent job, tak­ing a new one, or jump­ing into my busi­ness with­out a net?  Where am I sup­posed to be lead­ing my family?

When I pray for guid­ance, I often don’t get an answer.  I don’t know if I’m not lis­ten­ing, or if I’m not sup­posed to.  Kenieshiear says that she knows it is time to quit my job, but I am ner­vous.  She is get­ting more and more clear on her thoughts, but I’m still swim­ming in the deep end.

I ask myself, “what is my pur­pose here?”  God isn’t answer­ing me.

To get to the title: I am inse­cure in who I am.  I know in my heart that God’s plan includes me, but the world has beat­en me down.  Is it so hard to real­ize that this world is just temporary?

Yesterday, God grant­ed me some peace in my heart.  I am thank­ful for that.  I pray that the weight of the world isn’t hoist­ed on me again.  God has giv­en me the same feel­ing that I had when I was first saved.  He is good.

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